Fry Club Juniors  V  Whitchurch Sports

   (Home)  13/11/04

 K-O   12:45



I was a little apprehensive with Whitchurch Sports being our opponents today. We had already played them away and lost the first game 3-0 but managed to win by the odd goal (5-4) in the second game. I remember it was a tough first game. They sat 5 behind the ball and had one very capable young lad up front, a very talented player who made me afraid!.




Already knowing that Louis Heiztman wasn’t available today, which is bad enough, Jack Sheean, turns up with a stinking cold!, Jack, you see, is a big part of my plans to stop their “very capable” young lad.


Any worry’s I had before the start of the game where quickly lifted though. Too his credit, Jack came to play a game, and play he did, time after time along with Mathew Notton, they stopped “the kid who made me afraid” from even getting a sniff at goal. Even when Whitchurch broke through we had Joshua Pocock to save the day in goal.


Even better was that Pheobe Jofefowicz came in and did a great job filling in for Louis in the centre of midfield along side Vicky Foxwell and Ryan Kibby. That along with Ashley Siddall providing the finishing touches up front (adding another 3 goals to his seasons tally) was enough to give us a tough but fairly fought win.


This game was far from a push over, but I have to say we never really looked uncomfortable throughout the whole game. Without trying to take away from the great teamwork shown by the Whitchurch players who showed great spirit right up until the final whistle, evidenced by grabbing a deserved consolation goal for their efforts at the very end of the game.


There was some real pure moments in this game for me, at the back we had Jack & Mathew, Jack with his “stinking cold” but his energetic style pulling him through, and then we had Mathew, who at times I just can’t believe, he posses a great reading of the game, he is always aware, looking around himself to see if anyone is trying to sneak by. Then in midfield we had Phoebe, Vicky & Ryan, these 3 linking up very well to support the front man Ashley Siddall.


Final score 3 – 1 to Fry’s

Goal scorers: Ashley Siddall (3)

Player of the match:  Mathew Notton clever and calculated 


Team : Joshua Pocock, Jack Sheean, Mathew Notton, Pheobe Jofefowicz, Vicky Foxwell, Ryan Kibby, Ashley Siddall. 

SUBS (used): Cameron Thawes, Sarah Underhill, Ellie Hockling







I only have 12 players today so I have to pick some of the team that played the last game, we had the ever impressing Brandon Clerk in goal, another fine defender in Sarah Underhill playing along side a tired Mathew Notton at the back, the midfield was filled by Cameron Thawes and Ellie Hockling. To start upfront we had Joshua Pocock along side Curtis Dainton.


Fry’s started off well, quickly going on the attack and Whitchurch putting up some stubborn resistance, but then, a good tackle by Sarah and a quick pass to Mathew gave us the break through. Mathew picked up the ball on the half way line and swept forward with pace to put a precise shot past their keeper to score his second of the season and to put Fry’s 1 – 0 up.


The game then started to go a bit end to end with some great football played by both sides right up until the half time whistle. At half time I changed over Mathew for Pheobe, I put Cameron into defence while putting Pheobe into midfield to fill the gap left by Cameron. I also Swapped over Joshua Pocock for Ashley Siddall up front, these substitutions being pretty much forced, as both Joshua and Mathew had played for a full 60 minutes by now.


The 2nd half started off steady with both sides looking to give nothing away, but then! as if the script was already written, Ashley picked up the ball from Cameron and with a clever step over went through the middle of 2 defenders, turned inside another and then slotted the ball home to make it 2 – 0 to Fry’s. To be honest, we never really looked uncomfortable, with only a couple of moments of unease throughout the remaining period.


Whitchurch then managed to pull it back to 2 – 1, but from the resulting kick-off Ashley took off with the ball from the centre kick and set off towards goal, beat off a couple of challenges and went through to score his 5th goal of the day and to reinstate our 2 goal advantage. The game remained a battle of the midfield from here on in, with both sides having limited chances.


Whitchurch again scored another last minute goal to make it an uneasy last minute or so, but we saw out the remaining time to win by the odd goal.


Final score 3 – 2 to Fry’s

Goal scorers : Mathew Notton, Ashley Siddall  (2)

Player of the match : Cameron Thawestough and decisive 


Team : Brandon Clerk, Sarah Underhill, Mathew Notton, Ellie Hockling, Cameron Thawes, Curtis Dainton, Joshua Pocock

SUBS (used): Ashley Siddall, Vicky Foxwell, Pheobe Jofefowicz


Manager’s thoughts :


Whitchurch gave 2 very competitive matches, but the winning factor today was the teamwork and commitment shown from each and every Fry player. I think today we were just more hungry for it! Every player worked hard, not only for themselves but for their team mates as well.


Well done boys & girls, you should all be proud.